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Think Together Program


ASES Mission statement

We are committed to ensuring that students develop their potential as lifelong learners by providing meaningful, student-centered learning experiences through innovative enrichment activities and high quality standards-based academic support.

What is ASES ?

The After School Education and Safety (ASES) Program is the result of the 2002 voter-approved initiative, Proposition 49.



The Compton Unified School District ASES After school Program is available to any and all kindergarten-eight grade students who are currently enrolled in Compton Unified School District. There is no cots to attend the ASES Afterschool Program.

Program Schedule

The program begins on the first day of school and ends on the last day of school. Students attend the after school program from 2:30 p. m to 6:00 p. m daily, except on some Wednesdays and district minimum days when the program will run from 1:15 p. m to 6: 00 p.m.

Program Elements:

Academic Enrichment: We have a computer based program :Reasoning Mind


Project Based Enrichment: Students are exposed to teaching that  is active, collaborative, and meaningful full through long-term  group projects aimed at building self esteem through cooperative groupsAt the conclusion of each five to seven week thematic unit, students will have an opportunity to showcase their newly found skills through a school wide showcase.

Homework Assistance: Students have an opportunity to start/complete assigned homework. The Afterschool program does not guarantee that all homework will be completed.



Name: Sinead Le

Phone:310-898 6130



K-2 : Room 107   Vacancy

3rd grade:Room 103  Mrs. Alejandra Espinoza

4th grade :Room 106 Ms. Azucena Padilla

5th grade:Room 108 Ms. Hall